Thursday, August 02, 2007

Poem on Bahji

i have had the blessing of going to the Baha'i World Center in Haifa four times.  Three of the four times i was welcomed at the Shrine of Baha'u'llah by my mothers cousin Ruhi and her husband Feri who were caretakers.  March of 1992 i had the bounty of having dinner with them at the pilgrim house with my dear friends Roy and Shiva (hi Roy, hi Shiva).

After dinner Feri asked if we would like to visit the Shrine of Baha'u'llah.  We did and the feeling was overwhelming.  i describe the visit in detail in my narrative on the four visits to Haifa.  This poem is to describe in some small way the experience that marked that visit at night.  The Shrine is lit inside and has a very different feel at night.  i hope you enjoy.


Deep in the evening
When the earth settles down
The threshold wears
a golden crown
This crown of light
That fills the night
that blessed room
A spectacular sight

The room, still
Nightingales sing
The smell of roses, bring
The soul to ring
With the resonance that is
The Threshold

Night and day
From far away
The prayers come
accompanied by angels
Who dance in light
The magic that is the night
Standing in wonder at such a sight

Step by careful step
To that Blessed spot
The angles seem to part
Making way for this lowly one
To open up his heart

Please oh please, let me stay
My prayers sent here, every day
Where souls dwell
and hearts swell
With love for Him

Life without
brings pain and doubt
can one go on
after seeing

And now in prayer
Return is made
To that blessed chamber
With inner eyes
Dancing with angels
Shiidon, June 2007


Blogger allison said...

Hello Shiidon,

Wow! What an intimate description... thank you for helping me prepare for my journey back, to The Threshold. My time to go is Nov 26... just a few months away.

I wanted to feel all I could regarding the meaning of this word, Threshold. Below is what I found:

the sill of a doorway
the entrance to a house or building
any place or point of entering or beginning
Also called limen. Psychology, Physiology. the point at which a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to begin to produce an effect: the threshold of consciousness; a low threshold of pain.
a region marking a boundary

the starting point for a new state or experience

the smallest detectable sensation
point of entering
The place or point of beginning
The lowest point at which a stimulus begins to produce a sensation.
A determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action) hinges

11:10 PM  

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