Saturday, May 31, 2008


I saw the subject of this poem, the word wonder, the other day and it brought these words out of me. It seems that more and more of what I see around me effects my creativity. Mention was made earlier regarding music. Words are hard to find to describe how profoundly music effects me. Another is nature. I was outside reading on my deck one morning. Across my back yard runs a creek so wildlife prevails, especially when my back yard abuts a natural and somewhat wild greenbelt. I was speaking with my mother when she asked me what the "noise" in the background. I told her she was hearing birds. She did not believe me at first. The nature around me is another source of joy.


As life marches on
And each day doth dawn
We look at what we have done
Reflecting on what we have become
So many things we hoped to do
So many sacrifices we made in lieu
Of living each and every day
As if another would not come our way

I pose the following
Instead of wallowing
And fretting of what would be
Look around, open your eyes and see
That each step we take any given day
Brings about a joy in its own way

If we look not in this way
Our growth doth we delay
Far from our path will we stray

If the ground shook beneath the loved one
Would you look away, or run
If the waves come crashing down
And threaten to drown
Do you ignore and go around

Begin to see
What is meant to be
Of how we are effected
Both you and me
When we see His intent, God’s will unbent
It is not how we have lived these days past
Or how long our lives will last
It is how we are to each other
Treating one and all as a brother
-Shiidon, May 2008


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