Tuesday, August 07, 2007


i left work yesterday feeling ill. With various side effects of the said illness i found myself in the heat of pain and concern as loss of feeling had started on my fingers and hands. whilst in the midst of this i thought of death and suffering. Normally, i would ask God to deliver me from this pain, heal me or take me. This time i was consigned. In speaking to Him i embraced the pain and suffering and left myself to His will. It was at this point that my thought took me to what would i want to say to people at that point when He does decide to take me. Many verses came to mind but it was not until the morning that i was able to type the poem that follows. In the Baha'i Faith there is no heaven or hell. We are told that we would recognize each other and that the afterlife is a joyous "place." Since we do not know what it is like the poem is short and direct to the point of what i would want to say just before "crossing over." i feel this is not any different, in the end, from what any of us or our loved ones who have gone before would say.

Walking into the golden light
To a world of joy, delight
Ones whole life preparing
For this sight

Grieve not your loss
For overjoyed are we
At the reunion
That is meant to be
This is for all, our destiny

Into the arms of so many loved
So happy, so joyous
And now, to my

shiidon August, 2007


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