Sunday, June 01, 2008


This morning I awakened to the sound of the birds and the breeze blowing through the trees. I so love the morning and sunrise in particular. My favorite time of the day is just before the dawn. My name is supposed to be the first light of day. Of this I am not certain but that is what I have been told. Today was a day of peace, a day to reflect and a day to appreciate this world of dust. I am not certain what has taken hold of me to have so many poems come to me in such a short period of time, but I am taking them down on paper as frequent or infrequent they come.


At the break of day
with anticipation doth come
the first bright ray
of the loving sun

It reaches out and touches all
Hearkening, With its life giving call
Beaconing with its light
Illuminating all in sight
Causing nature to sing in delight

Washing away the dim and dark
Re-awakening all
With its life giving spark

Our soul, wandering each night
Recalled each morning
From its other worldly flight
Reminding us that we are still here
Nature surrounding us with its cheer

Refreshed and ready
for another day
We choose to keep or pass on
From that life giving sun
Those bountiful rays
Of each blessed day
-Shiidon, June 2008


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