Wednesday, August 15, 2007


First of all, i am sorry for the concern that the previous post caused. i was not dying but just felt a new sense of detachment that was profound for me.
i have been reflecting on my pilgrimage last year to the Bahá'í World Center. i wanted to be able to express in some way the feeling of being in the Shrine of the Báb on Mount Carmel. The Báb was the first of the twin Manifestations of the Bahá'í Faith and His remains are buried within this Shrine. If i try to describe any more it will not convey what i felt. The only other attempt is my narrative on my four visits to the Holy Land that i wrote last year.


Stepping inside
From one world to another
The pilgrim enters,
a world of peace
a world of wonder

Time stands still
The golden light
Glows all around
a wondrous sight

Kneeling down, eyes drop closed
Bowing ones head lower and lower
Until all is lost of this world
Deep in prayer over and over

The sounds in that chamber
Echo distantly, afar
Resonating and amplifying
A shadow of the prayer
Onward to Abhá

What is real or unreal
What is here or there
No one could say that
They would care
For peace is found
On that hallowed ground
On that blessed mountain
Flowing with fountains
The heart of Carmel

Shiidon, August 2007


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