Sunday, November 18, 2007


On my many walks i have the bounty to observe nature. i will give you an idea of the walk i make. Lakeway City Park is on Lake Travis. The walk is a 1.3 mile loop that has half of its course along the lake and the other half within site of the lake but in heavy woods. It inclines in the counterclockwise direction quite aggressively at one point. i usually make four laps counter clock wise then one clock wise. i see squirrels, ducks and a multitude of other various birds, deer, dogs and people. Trees are also there in abundance. i greet the squirrels and deer with Alláh-u-Abhá (go figure) and i brush many a tree branch as i walk by. Yesterday a poem came to mind regarding our trees as i was walking under a vast Oak tree. i reflected on how Mr. Adib Taherzadeh compared our existence to a tree reaching for heaven while rooted to earth. This poem came to me. By the way, the exercise is wonderful, i can touch my toes again!


Bursting forth from my seed
Reaching out in great need
With effort breaking ground
Reaching down i rebound

Growing high yearly
Digging deep and holding dearly
Winds of tests sweep me about
Sometimes passing
Sometimes not
These tests shape me as I grow
Preparing me for a future
i do not know

For many years the ground i held tight
Keeping me anchored as if in a fight
But now, reaching into the sky
i can let go bellow, and look on high
for firm i am in that fertile ground
and with countless leaves I resound

After many years
And many tears
My arms in praise, reach out
And i want to shout
In joy to those above
For now i know true love
As my leaves soak up
That golden light
I know I will never give up my fight
To reach to the heavens i do not know
Each year that passes and I grow

Shiidon, November 2007


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