Thursday, October 18, 2007


Keeping in the theme of the City of Akka, i have the first two of three poems here that i see as somewhat related. The first one is Akka. When Bahá'u'lláh was sent to the prison city of Akka it was ordered that He not receive any visitors. Pilgrims would arrive from Iran, mostly by foot, only to find in most cases that they would have to satisfy themselves with a distant view of His hand waving to them from His prison Cell in the Citadel of Akka. This was sufficient to galvanize many of those souls and returning to Iran they would redouble their efforts in serving Him.


From a distance one can see
That prison cell by the sea
By day and night
From that distant land
They would walk for a sight
Of His blessed hand

No one knew their lot
Seeing Him or not
Content they were
At the thought
Of attaining Him
Even from afar
The chances slim
Of going within

A wave of the hand
From that prison cell
Bringing ones heart to swell
And with utmost joy
Turning away
and by night and day
return home on fire
with one desire
to serve Him to the last
ever steadfast

shiidon, October 2007


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