Thursday, October 11, 2007

House of Abud

The final place of exile for Bahá'u'lláh was the prison city of Akka in what is now Israel. He spent His first years in a cell under harsh conditions. Following that, after moving from place to place over the duration of a few months He resided in what is now known as the House of Abud. The room that He resided in is one that struck me in its simplicity and yet majestic feel. Words are inadequate to describe the feeling that comes to me when i am in that room. Having said that, this simple poem that follows makes an attempt to do so.

House of Abud

Many who stood
Before the house of Abud
Waited for the chance
The hope of a glance
Of the Blessed Beauty
If perchance
He spoke ones name
A clear invitation to
Join Him that day

An echo of those days
Passing within
The pilgrim stands and
Takes it all in

Along the white wall
The stairway does climb
An ascent to heaven
Does one find
His Blessed chamber

Shear curtains sway
Dancing with
The light of day
Through the windows
Can be seen
The city wall and
The deep blue sea

The room glows with light
The colors, breeze and movement
A beautiful sight

The majesty and glory
Of that quiet room
Overwhelm any throne
So overtly shown

A power still radiates
From that room
As though remembering
That Blessed One, whom
Lived and revealed
His sacred words
That can now be found
Throughout the world

Shiidon, October 2007


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