Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Falcon

This is a story that i wrote at Naw Ruz (Bahá'í New Year). This is the first day of Spring and it was written in 1996. It was this point and this story that reawakened in me the desire to write again. It can be said in the ancient terms that i found my muse. i wrote more up to the point that i went on Pilgrimage and them documented my Pilgrimage with a 55,000 word narrative. If nothing else that also helped hone my writing. i had occasion to speak with a few friend and family members and this story came up a few times. As a result i thought i would post it here.

The Falcon

The relationship between the Falcon and the Falconer is not dissimilar to any other pair; each one, in a way, needing the other. The nature is not unlike a symbiotic relationship, a partnership or a team. When working together they make a spectacular team and are a joy for all to see.

Perchance there was a Falcon that loved to soar in the celestial heights. The Falcon would stay aloft as long as possible, riding the currents to conserve energy when needed. It would fly without care of observation from below or without regard to the strong winds that would sometimes buffet it about. It was undaunted in its joyous ventures above. Like any other creature, it would have to return to the earth to alight from time to time. It should, in the best of times be as leaving the true Beloved above for the beloved below. This is not to imply that the Falconer below is beneath the Falcon or not as significant. The Falconer has its own joys in watching the Falcon, in caring for it and in helping there be a purpose to the endeavors of the team, inspiration and love if nothing more. This particular Falcon we speak of had two masters, to use the term loosely, and in both cases there was an unhealthy turn of events.

These masters loved the Falcon when they first caught eye of it. They would marvel at its beauty and its joy of flight. Each time the Falcon thought it had found it’s beloved. It did everything to serve the Falconer and was faithful to the relationship that was theirs. However, on both occasions the Falconer, upon gaining possession of the Falcon, became guarded and jealous. As time would go on the Falconer would hood the Falcon more and would keep it from flight lest others should see that beauty that was the Falcon in flight. Eventually the Falcon would fall ill and would become so sickly that the Falconer would not wish to care for it any longer and in a sense of desperation and with a purpose of distancing themselves, they would set the Falcon free.

Each time the Falcon was free from its prison it would fly as long and as high as it could. It would not hesitate or falter but would fly until the point of exhaustion. You see, this Falcon was destined to be paired with a Falconer, one that would understand and appreciate the Falcon and would relish in the joy of being a part of that team.

One day the Falcon was flying with particular zeal. It was flying to the fullest of its nature without the lost hope of future promise. It was on this occasion that a soul was watching with unburdened joy at the beauty that was the Falcon in flight. The Falcon was enjoying the first day of spring with great relish. It was thanking all of nature and God for the opportunities that it had been given. It was on this occasion that the Falcon spied a fresh clear pond that beckoned with purity and promise. The Falcon dropped to the water to get its fill when it spied the statue that it had seen from above. The Falcon watched that soul and looked into its eyes. The eyes were as pure as the water and as deep as the ocean. They were full of promise and pure unattached appreciation for the Falcon and all other creatures. One simple act changed the Falcons life forever; the soul raised its hand, and waved its fingers in welcome to the tired but dedicated bird. Words did not need to be spoken for the two to understand, nor was it necessary for the Falcon to fear a repeat of its past experiences. These two souls connected and without a word, they knew that it would be different and that there would be final understanding.

When two such creatures are meant to be together, and many are, it is a sight of beauty. It is a confirmation of the divine and brings meaning to this journey we call life. When two work together they work on building something bigger than themselves. When this is not the case it is the cause of destruction. Each one of us is both Falcon and Falconer to each other. We strive for the greater glory and yet can come home to the nurture of our beloved. Each one serving the true Beloved while serving each other. We are all that soul and we are that Falcon.

"On the outspread tablet of this world, ye are the verses of His singleness; and atop lofty palace towers, ye are the banners of the Lord. In His bowers are ye the blossoms and sweet-smelling herbs, in the rose garden of the spirit the nightingales that utter plaintive cries. Ye are the birds that soar upward into the firmament of knowledge, the royal falcons on the wrist of God."
(Abdu'l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Bahá, p. 266)

Shiidon, Náw Ruz, 2006


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