Monday, December 03, 2007

Tiny Seed

My son's have had two, and at times, many more friends over consistently over the last few years. One of these youth, John, decided to become a Bahá'í this summer on his fifteenth birthday. His mother gave permission and he enrolled. Both he and Travis have been great joys to be around and they are great friends. i was sitting at a planning committee meeting with Shervin and John. i was overwhelmed that here was my son (age 17)helping plan a Touchstone youth retreat with my friend Jeff. i was seventeen or so when i attended the first Touchstone and Jeff was the organizer. The other overwhelming thought was here sat John helping plan something that was only two years ago the first Bahá'í activity he went to.

This poem is inspired by John. it could be about Shervin, my other children or anyone in particular that one watches grow and develop in life.

Tiny Seed

A seed was given
Deep in the soil ‘twas driven
Watered, fed and loved
It slowly made its way above

emerging vigorous and tall
Withstanding all
that would befall
the tests befitting one so small

Eventually a flower did bloom
Shining for all to see
What a gift from God can be
Radiantly facing the sun above
Accepting from all, deep love

That flower once in need
And but a tiny seed
Gives freely to all
With energy freed

…..i look in wonderment!

Shiidon, 12/07


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