Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Broken Wall

In my work I am able to meet many people and hear many stories. For example, when I ask "how are you doing?" I am truly asking, and if they respond by saying "not well," I take the time to ask why and engage them in conversation. I have learned much from them and hopefully they have gained something back from our experience. This last week was Valentines Day and many of those stories revolved around friendships and love. One of these people drove from California and in an odd turn of events ended up in the shop. He and I spoke for some time about life. At some point I will write a bit about the odd turn of events that brought him to our shop. For now, this poem came to me and I have written it down.

Before I get to the poem I just wanted to say one thing I touched upon on a previous post. I have just finished grading papers and assignments for an English class in Iran in preperation for next term when I will have a class of my own to work with. It was so rewarding and enriching. I am excited about it and look forward to helping those who are not being allowed to attend school in a conventional way.

Broken Wall

The wall builds up from year to year
It protects and shelters one from tears
The world eventually divided in two
Separating me from you

A wall keeps pain out
But with a chill
We realize that this same wall
Is our prison cell

That same cell, a comfort becomes
Not wanting to leave
To find reprieve
From isolation,
Waxing year by year
Increasing our fear
Of trusting, letting go

Tear down that wall
Stone by stone
You are not alone
Hear my call
This world of dust
Is not long for us

There is a world out there to see
Before we are finally free
And hand in hand
We can be

-Shiidon, February 2008


Blogger Aniela said...

This poem will resonate with so many. . . What is the cost of reaching out to one estranged. . . to reach across a divide and quietly take a hand into our hand. . . holding a heart in solaced love . . . to decide to walk side by side. . . to decide to forgive. . . to choose the Path of Unity? It takes only a breath, a prayer. . . a choice. . . a moment. . . you did this for our friendship, our sweet Shiidon! You live your Faith. . . Forever, I am humbled by that one extraordinary act of brotherly love when my soul was weeping with sorrow at our distance. Now, you are closer than a thought. . . you are my brother!

8:02 AM  

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