Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Climber

Last year I was having dinner with a friend when they told me how they did not intend to burden me with some trouble they were having. This very friend had only helped me the other day with another problem. After a few moments of thought I wrote this story and sent it to that person.

Before sharing all things on this blog it was not uncommon for me to send out the story or poem as an attachment to my email. The method of sending out an email notice allows those who are interested to read and those who are not to just "delete" the email.

One of these persons wrote me back and told me that this story described marriage to them. The story was written for friendship. This was the beginning of my understanding that the work takes on its own life and means different things to different people, including the author. I had known this with stories and other writing that I have read, however, I was learning at that time that my own writing takes on that quality at times. The more that I write the more it is clear to me that these are not my words as much as they are all of our words and that I just happen to capture them at the time that I do. If you read them and it strikes at some point then they have become your words too.

The Climber

The ascent to the peak was growing increasingly difficult. The climber rested for a moment. He looked up at the daunting remainder of the climb and thought about the obstacles that would have to be overcome to reach the summit. Looking down he spotted the starting point of the journey and was surprised at how much ground was covered. He reflected on the thought at first that he could make the journey on his own and how foolish that seemed now. He took a swig of water and prepared himself for obstacle in his path. He, with much effort made it past the obstacle and then turned to face his companion. He reached out with his gloved hand and stretched towards the extended hand of the person behind. She had to strain to reach his outstretched hand. With much effort she was able to reach and clasp his hand. He gripped the hand with gentle force and was able to pull her up. She reached his side and they both rested yet again to prepare themselves for the next great challenge.

While waiting he reflected on the challenges that life had thrown at him recently. His thoughts were drawn towards how to resolve those challenges and what needed to be done when he was done with the climb. Having rested enough his companion took the lead to overcome the next obstacle. He watched as she navigated with great care and concentration through this most direct challenge. He could see the sweat on her brow reaching the barrier of the headband, a mirror of the dampness of his sweat soaked headband. Eventually the obstacle was beaten and it was her turn to reach out to him. He took the necessary steps to reach her proximity and prepared to be helped up.

He reached out to her hand and stretched with some effort. She grabbed his hand and with prepared leverage was able to pull him up. As he was being pulled up, at that moment of balance, the point of going up or falling far down below, clarity of thought came and brought him to a new point of understanding. With awe, he realized that, in this situation he was relying on the help of the friend to overcome this most recent obstacle. The summit could not be reached without her. She in turn needed him to reach the summit. Life’s challenges are not always assailable without the help of a friend. Prayer, meditation and effort are all required on our part, but for many of our challenges, the help of a friend takes us through to the next level. Whether we pray for someone, pray together, or just have lunch and a hearing ear; we are all here for each other to lend a hand across the obstacles we face in life.

He reached his companions side, and looked at her with a profound new sense of understanding. We are never alone.

shiidon, April 18, 2007


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