Tuesday, December 18, 2007


What is evident from this blog is that i write poetry (good or bad is up to the reader). i also write stories of various lengths. The longest is my narrative of my four visits to Israel. However, most of my stories are short and usually have a point to make. This was one thought that i had and put down on paper called "Unity."

i sit looking out my window as the wind drives the rain in torrents. i contemplate the fate of those simple drops that gather together in collaboration as then begin the stream that leads to the lake. Some sacrificing themselves for the betterment of the plants around while others bid them farewell as they gather in momentum. They join the lake and make their way to the river that leads to the next phase. They pour, drive and race through the river until they are finally reunited in that great destination, the sea of Unity.

We all begin as drops and slowly gather momentum as our lives ramp up and we prepare ourselves for eternity. This eternity that we race to, year by year, approaching faster and faster is that unity with the Abhá* and the great souls that have passed before us, leading the way, setting the path with their example of obedience, sacrifice, love and unity.

Shiidon, March 27, 2007


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