Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Deep Dark Forest

The previous poem was written about Winrik. Little did i know that my next poem would be again about my children. Up to no i have written poems for Shervin, one for Winrik and what would logically follow is one for Shahdi. However, events came about that brought about swift and significant changes in my life and that of my children. Indeed this next poem is somewhat about Shahdi but truly it is about my children. As always, there are other ways to see this poem and it could specify lost and refound love as well.

The events that i alluded to earlier occured over the course of six memorable, excruciatingly painful and overwhelming days. Shahdi was the focus of a maelstrom of massive proportions. In wishing to protect my dear daughter i will not elaborate on the events here except to say that the difficulties between mom and daughter led to my getting "custody" of Shahdi after many years of her wanting to live with me and I wanting her here with me and her brothers. I have little time to make a final impact on her young soul as she approaches her fifteenth birthday and then on to adulthood. I have shed more tears over the last week than i have in memory. She is fine, doing well and getting ready to attend the high school. It is as if i was in a dream and have not awakened yet.

When once asked many years ago how could i, whom they believed to be a great father, lose these children. I told them "when they become teenagers i will get them back." i am a happy, single father who is praying for thankfulness.

The darkness has flown away, the sun has risen to it's zenith and joy is found on all faces.

The Deep Dark Forest

Entering the dark forest I must
Losing grip of their hands as if holding dust
With anguish I scream
This must be a dream

Trudging forward in faith and trust
With tears of transferred pain
Yearly it comes like rain
The pain I suffer is but nothing
The pain of those lost
Takes its greatest cost

Many a day without hope
Making due, trying to cope
Yet the forest would not relent
All but the very last drop spent
Sometimes walking, sometimes crawling
Step by step, and with my last breath
I am calling

One day the forest did thin
And what did I spot within
The smiling faces of those long lost
So many years and distance crossed
Rivers of tears come falling down
Joy to an extent profound

Rushing together
With a joy long overdue
We held each other
The love received, its due

Holding hands tight we turned
Walking out of that forest
Our love for Him burned
For guided we were
To find each other and be
Together again, a family

-Shiidon, March 2008


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