Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ridván Garden

Well, another poem came to me just as i was getting ready to retire for the night. This poem recalls the Ridván Garden in the Akká area that Bahá'u'lláh would at times visit and rest. There are orchards and peacocks in this green and beautiful garden. Some of you may have been there or read depictions of it. On my most recent pilgrimage i found out that the waters that surrounded the benches in this garden are to be brought back and once again water will flow like it did in the time of Bahá'u'lláh. If i am allowed the bounty of pilgrimage again, i may be able to see this garden with water flowing as it once did.

Ridván Garden

Beneath the mulberry tree
Amidst the gardens grow
We sat and listened
To the peacocks crow

Surrounding benches blue
Gardens grew
Abundant fruit amass
Reminiscent of times past
When He would come sit and share
With one and all alert, aware
Of the food of the soul
That accompanied the fruit
The one a sign of the other

From those days to this
The fruit brings bliss
As it is shared by all
And strikes reminisce
Of those early years
Remembered in tears
That are brought on
In that Garden of Ridván
shiidon, September 2007


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