Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Yesterday was labor day in the United States. On this day the boys and i were invited to some friends house. At this house there were two elder members of the family, one a great-grandmother and one a grandmother who is visiting. The site that this poem describes brought tears to several, including the author, who witnessed the sudden recognition of one to the other.
The feeling begged to be described. The following is my attempt to convey the feelings of that moment of love.


In the twilight years
At a gathering she sat
Surrounded by family
And those held dear
Minutes go by
Recognition denied
When of a sudden
From across the room
A friend she spied

With arms outreached
And joy filled eyes
Animated spirits
The embrace alive

Not knowing if one
Would see the other
The feelings expressed
one to the other
The image a token
Of the love still fresh
Regardless of the years
The spirit refreshed

As the embrace went on
The tears poured on
From the loved ones blessed
To see the site
Of two old friends
And how they reunite
shiidon, September 2007


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