Wednesday, September 19, 2007


A recently forwarded email to me was outlining the differences between tollerance and intollerance and was siting the way Bahá'ís are treated in both countries. There were photographs attached in power point format. There was one in particular that wrenched my soul and brought great grief and pain to me that has finally been finding rest in my poem. There were two young teenage boys in Iran being hung for lets say an indescretion. Regardless of what was done it did not deserve the death of two young souls. i was remembering a story many years ago about a little boy in England and his brutal end to life. The need to express myself came strongly. The poem starts off with a description of the losses but ends in hope.
This poem has helped me process some of the pain felt by the horrors so many people go through.

Two boys hung
What have they done
Where is justice
Gone amiss

The little one
Lead away
Never to see
Another day
Protection lost
At great cost

The war rages
We know not why
Standing about
Amid the shouts
Watching the killing
While people are milling

Until a time when justice
is heeded
many a sacrifice is what
is needed

Sitting on the couch
Watching the tube
Sit many a soul
in deep ineptitude

Sorrow not
At this thought
For in this day
There is a way
One by one
they arise
From all places
Are they comprised
standing linked
hand in hand
an unbroken chain
changing the land
determined to stop
the horrors wrought
Step by step
Reaching out

Take that hand, and arise
For one day they say
Through unity
You will see
The Most Great Peace
Oh let it be

shiidon, September 2007


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