Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Rescue

Today, while taking my walk, this poem came to me. It is primarily about Shahdi in need and then my coming to rescue her. It is written in a way that it could be any two loved ones being reunited. The dream of being rescued by a "knight in shiney armour" does not always come to fruition. However, in the case of Shahdi, it did. This poem is about just that rescue. We just attended a Bahá'í family conference at Texas A&M. At the closing they did a candle ceremony where people would speak about what they were thankful for. Shahd, as it was reported to me, thanked her dad for taking her out of a bad situation. The way it was described to me seemed to say that this was a dream come true for her. We are getting used to each other, the four of us, and it is going quite well. It brings a great joy in my heart to have her so near and dear to me. What greater gift can a father have than the love of his children so close at hand. It will not be long before they go on their way, however, i am grateful to have this day.

The Rescue

There rests within a castle strong
A dark chamber with neither light nor song
Within this chamber the princess did sit
Awaiting a day when rescue permit
She would walk free among the fields
With her loved ones around
And laughter, the only sound

Alas the day did come
When her longing waned
And hope was dim
She coldly thought to end the pain
And her thoughts and sorrow fell like rain

The water fell upon the face
Of the knight afar, as he did pace
With understanding he turned
Towards that castle as his heart burned

He mounted his steed
And prepared an assault
Towards that castle did he depart

Quick and steady did he fight
Always the goal of reunion in sight
Step by step he approached his goal
The struggle taking its toll

Against all odds did he succeed
And pulling her up upon his steed
Racing away from that deep, dark place
The pursuers he did outpace

Under the sun and upon the field
The princess stood before the knight
Knowing that all, would be alright
Vowing there love, the pain erased
With love and joy did they embrace

Shiidon, March 2008


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