Monday, June 09, 2008



I have searched hard and long
For the person with whom I belong
From youth to now
Not knowing how
Or when it may come
To find the one

The one who is there
Through highs and lows
Through pain and joy
And sharing the blows

To share with, laugh and cry
To turn and ask why
To know
No matter where you go
They will be with you
And together will grow

One day it came
Like a bountiful rain
The answer so clear
The person so near
For in looking I found
The one searched for
These many years
For whom I have shed
So many a tear

The one who has always been there
Who always did care
Is to be found
And in a way most profound
Within my own heart
That voice from within
My other self

And so it begins
Searching no more
For time will tell
If it is meant to be
For someone else
With whom to be
-Shiidon, June 2008

It felt right to post the poem first, then my thoughts. So many times we search and search for an answer and find the answer lies within ourselves. I was reading Prophet's Daughter, the life of Bahíyyih Khánum (Bahá'u'lláh's daughter) and other books recently when the subject of asking ourselves questions and listening for the answer. This stuck to me and added to the already mounting comments and conversations that was leading me to the poem being written. We know the answers to so many things and yet feel we have to ask others, almost in self doubt.

There is a song that is sticking to me these days that inspires and brings reflection at the same time. If you want to hear it and enjoy it look it up on you tube. While I do not care for the movies I love this song. Look up the following: music clip - Danez Prigent & Lisa Gerrard {black hawk down

One of the recent events that brought this poem on as well was something that occurred this last Friday. I was getting ready for work and the door bell rang. It was 5:30 in the morning. I walked carefully over the sleeping bodies of teenage boys, collapsed in their places from video game and card exhaustion and answered the door. It was my neighbor, Ms. J. She stated that her grandson was gone and that she did not know where he was. She thought that he might have been picked up by his parents. She gave me a piece of paper and I called her daughter for her as her phones seemed to not be working. She conversed with her daughter and it turns out the boy is 6 years old. She was assured by her daughter that the boy was fine. Ms. J then thanked me and went back home. About fifteen minutes later her daughter called and asked for her. I informed her that her mom was safely home and that all was well. I told her and she confirmed that my mother had befriended her mother and that I was keeping an eye on things. Her daughter let me know that her mother forgets sometimes that she has moved (3 years ago) and that her grandson is in another state. I told her daughter that I was here for her anytime and that I would keep an eye on things. I assured her that Ms. J. was OK.

This is my neighbor who is elderly and lives alone. She has herself and the occasional visit from her daughter. Her son-in-law comes and mows the yard once a week. She is a happy person when I see her around and seems at peace with herself. A great example for us. By the way, her name is special, it is Devota.

****Correction***** The previous peom, Aigerim, is now corrected to say "a life of service instead."


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