Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sailing the Peaceful Sea


Sailing on the peaceful sea

No one around, only me

Learning how to just  “be”

No worries, no stress no anxiety


These tests do surround

The difficulties increase

Threatening our inner peace

Though to this world we are bound

Overcome we can, with hearts resound


Manage these tests one by one

Learn what is lacking within

Ti's the way that we can begin

To reach that point where we crave to be

That inner sense of serenity


As our inner peace doth wax

We discover more clearly what we lack

Towards tackling these problems we make tracks

Till we are able to sit back and relax


And then again the deeper we see

Tests that will last an eternity

This knowledge and truth doth ring

With it, inner peace doth bring

-Shiidon, January 2009

I started off writing one poem only to find this one coming out.  I will still get to that poem but it will have to wait.  I was thinking about inner peace in our troubled times.  It is harder and harder to find people who can find a way to carve a little peace for themselves in a world of increasing difficulties.  I was raised with the understanding that Mankind would go through some severe and difficult times before reaching its promised Golden Age.  Knowing in my heart that we are striving for a greater world helps in coping with the day to day struggles that I have to deal with whether it is at work, home or with friends and family.

There is a dark world out there, however, there is much light as well.  The methods of communications and information tend to focus on the negative or sensational but neglect the productive and unifying forces out there.  Once we find our inner peace then we are able to "export" that to our friends and families and eventually to our nations and the Earth.  Day by day, little by little, I believe we will achieve that glorious goal.


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