Thursday, October 07, 2010

Windows in Time


I look into

A window, the past

A moment in time

Frozen fast

I delve within

That world I see

And ponder long

At what could be

Do I live

M moments too long

Focusing on places

Where others belong

Wanting to connect

This can’t be wrong

The draw never-the-less

Is strong

I see the place

I want to be

Though in the past

It cannot be

But could I hope

In times to come

That within

Other windows

I may come

With whom

Will a future window

I share

Do I hope or dare

Or in my hopes

Will I despair

And will anyone

But me care

I have left a trail

Of windows behind

A life well lived

Of me to remind

To those left behind

As I now stare

At others in kind

-Shiidon, October 2010

I was looking at some photos last night and reflecting on them today. It seems that photographs are both windows in time and also portals to other worlds. There is so much that can be seen in a photo. We can see a person and weave a whole story behind the photo. We can see others and reflect on them. We can look at the places and reflect on them as well. These images transport us like a time machine into the past, ours and those of others. We can piece together a life just by the photos that are left behind. I am drawn to the movie Vanilla Sky again in that like that lead character, we can choose to live in the moment pictured or created for us as is the case of the movie, or we can choose to live in the real world. From time to time though, it is wonderful to travel in time or visit with loved ones present or departed through their windows.


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