Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Last Goodbye


What if tomorrow

You are gone

To this world

No longer belong

What tracks

Have you left behind

What acts of service

Will others

Of you remind

Will it be easy

Or hard to find

Who would you visit

On your last day

And what to each other

Would you say

Would you rush out

Or linger and stay

What words

Would you write

On that final night

Would it come

From a second sight

Would it be important to others

Well, it just might

Would you make amends

With one wronged

Giving the sense

That together

You belong

Would regrets

Come washing

Over you


Would you

Be prepared

For what

Is due

I think in the end

A peace will descend

And intense love

Will all mend

And deepest love

We’ll send

And as I face that day

And the world I know

Does fade away

I will be joyful

As I leave

This world of clay

-Shiidon, September 2010

Last night I had a profound dream. In the dream I died. I was, for some reason, allowed to come back and say goodbye. There was a deep and profound feeling of peace. My heart was not beating and my hands were chalk white. Nothing mattered but there was a drive to say goodbye to my children. I did so. It was a strange feeling for I don't recall an actual conversation but the knowledge that they knew how much I loved them and that everything would be OK. I remember drifting away and everything faded as I awakened. On awakening I found myself in awe at the dream and feeling at peace. I wanted to convey this in a poem so this is my attempt.

I have faced death more than once in my life and one day I will not step back into this realm. But for now, to live our lives as fully as possible is important. To have a positive impact on each other, to not be a source of pain or suffering to another are important. However, to take positive steps in making lasting bonds of caring and service to one another goes beyond and impacts us positively in return.

My mother, in her eastern metaphysical interpretation of dreams tells me that a dream of death is the opposite. Who knows. I just had to put the feeling in writing for myself if nothing else.

Just in case, my love to all of you..... :-)


Blogger Susan said...

Very lovely.

7:03 AM  

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