Thursday, August 26, 2010



The emptiness

Rages inside

A place where sorrow

Doth reside

Like a hot stark desert

It doth burn

Promising nothing

In return

Seemingly nowhere

To turn

Parched and searing

I wander within

Pondering and wondering

Where do I begin

There are tales told

Of oceans giving

Of caring

Of another way

Of living

I scoff at this

For tis a dream

Not a path for me

It doth seem

This eden

Of which they speak

To me of hopelessness

It doth reek

Yet tis this dream

I do seek

Like a nomad

Accustomed am I

To this arid place

So dry

Day in and out

I wander this way

Hopelessness doth hold it’s sway


I sense a breeze

Though methinks

Tis meant to tease

At times

A garden of beauty

Doth appear

Though as I draw near

Like vapor

It doth disappear

What stands true

Tis a place

To start anew

Gazing about

With a newfound view

Like a blank canvas

Much can be done

Not so much

To overcome

Striving beyond

A new birth to come

This is the only place

That I have known

With this solitude

Through life

Have I grown

I look for a new path

To be shown

-Shiidon, August 2010

Each poem I write has a part of me in it. So, while there might be a touch of my feelings reflected here, it is not my current state of mind. Regardless of the level of the poem, whether it is very light or very dark, I find myself spent by the time I am finished. By writing down my feelings and thoughts I have purged them from my heart and find myself in a much more level state of mind. Last night I felt it important to write. I put the pen to paper without any idea where I was going with it. The words started to flow after that.

I noticed that this was my 199th posting to this blog. It has been an interesting ride. I get statistics so I know how many times my page is read but I have no clue who is reading it. There are stories and poems and other musings that have been seen here before. I do not intend to stop any time soon.


Blogger Susan said...

Good! We don't want you to stop either!

2:52 PM  

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