Saturday, October 09, 2010

With Gratitude


I've called Your Name

For most my life

But sadly mostly

While in strife

I've pleaded to be led

To the right door

But sadly

I‘ve asked for more

I've bargained in vain

Making of it

A mockery, a game

But that’s human nature

All the same

I've offered to take

Another’s pain to me

Wanting their life

To more peaceful be

And their suffering

To flee

I've cried aloud

And shouted at You

Not knowing

In suffering

What to do

I look at others

And see my lot

Knowing the futility

That comparisons

Have brought

Why me?

I've asked many a time

No answer has come

At least none

That come to mind

I trudge along

Day by day

And work hard

To follow Your way

Knowing in the end

Taking heed will pay

As time has advanced

I see with a new eye

At these events

That have gone by

A new perspective arises

As time goes by

I am grateful

For all You give

For giving me

The chance to live

I am blessed to know

All the beautiful souls

I have come to know

And in service

My gratitude, I show

Each person

You've put in my way

Has given me lessons

And made my day

And given me a chance

To You somehow repay

The pain I've had

Is my growing

So not bad

And in reflection

My ingratitude

So sad

I see before me, possibilities

That before were disabilities

And I now see, as opportunities

I will attempt to learn

Each lesson You provide

And attempt to recognize

The way You doth guide

Even if I fail,

At least I tried

Thank You again

For the gifts You bestowed

A debt impossible, yet still owed

Knowing upon me You’ll not place

An impossible load

Please bestow upon me

What I need

And not for which

I plead

I desire what You will

And to be,

In the end

Set free

-Shiidon, October 2010

Shervin, my oldest son, spent his first night in his first apartment. This of course means that he is at a new stage in this life we all lead. In his 20 years he has learned a lot of lessons and has many more to learn. I, in my over two score years, have had many lessons to learn and many to come. However, I was reflecting on attitude when it comes to facing the tests in our lives. I wrote this poem as a result of the emptiness of Shervin leaving and the perspective we have on tests. The photo is one taken at my first house in Lakeway back in the late 1990's. I am with Shervin, Winrik and Shahdi. The following is a prayer I say every day that these words attempt to describe to an inadequate degree.

Glory be Thee, O my God! But for the tribulations which are sustained in Thy path, how could Thy true lovers be recognized; and were it not for the trials which are borne for love of Thee, how could the station of such as yearn for Thee be revealed? Thy might beareth me witness! The companions of all who adore Thee are the tears they shed, and the comforters of such as seek Thee are the groans they utter, and the food of them who haste to meet Thee is the fragments of their broken hearts.

How sweet to my taste is the bitterness of death suffered in Thy path, and how precious in my estimation are the shafts of Thine enemies when encountered for the sake of the exaltation of Thy word! Let me quaff in Thy Cause, O my God, whatsoever Thou didst desire, and send down upon me in Thy love all Thou didst ordain. By Thy glory! I wish only what Thou wishest, and cherish what Thou cherishest. In Thee have I, at all times, placed my whole trust and confidence.

Raise up, I implore Thee, O my God, as helpers to this Revelation such as shall be counted worthy of Thy name and of Thy sovereignty, that they may remember me among Thy creatures, and hoist the ensigns of Thy victory in Thy land.

Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. No 192 God is there but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.

- Bahá'u'lláh


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