Thursday, December 22, 2011

Eddy on the River of Life

I spend my days
Deep in thought
Contemplating my lot
Self-absorbed though
I am not

A new life
Comes in this world
And another has left
The heart swelling with pride
The other waxing bereft

Yonder a marriage
Here a divorce
Tis simply an expression
Of life’s force

Watching others
From afar
Yet some close enough
To leave a scar

A life ramping up
Another winding down
One climbing in joy
Another doth drown
In overwhelming strife
Such is life

I find myself alone
Along this bank
Of the river we call life
I watch others
From afar
Close enough
Yet out of reach
A barrier seemingly
Impossible to breach

I run alongside
Doing what I can
To serve others
In life’s plan
Yet outside
I do remain
Experiencing what some
Would call pain

From time to time
One reaches out
And draws near
Yet, as I fear
When I open my eyes
I am alone again
More empty
Than before
With a heart more sore

I double my efforts
In this
Service to others
Lest I be remiss

As I continue through
Life’s ups and downs
I must confess
My driving desire
Tis falling into nothingness
Yet with this thought
I do transgress
So in acceptance
I acquiesce

So I continue walking
Along the shore
Content in wanting
No more
-Shiidon, December 2011 

This is a poem about the observer.  I feel many times like an observer in life rather than a partaker in life. I find myself surrounded by ups and downs.  I see new lives being born and other saying their final goodbye.  In some ways I feel like the book telling the story rather than being the story being told.  the year draws to a close and another one comes along.


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