Saturday, December 03, 2011

Light to Light


In solitude
I sit and reflect
On a world
That of God
We doth neglect
Yet one day
We shall respect
And upon the ashes
A new world erect

The forces of darkness
Doth accelerate
With destruction,
Avarice and greed
The World doth reverberate
And in a perverse way
We latch on
With despair, loss and dismay

Yet all around
Should we choose to see
Are our fellow souls
Striving, to better be
And faced with this light
The darkness doth flee

Our choice is simple
Fall into despair
Or reach out a hand
To our neighbor
Whether next door
Or another land

Focus on the joys
On the accomplishments
No matter how small
For even an avalanche
Begins with one
Overcoming all
Once begun

What makes us
Who we are
Is not our house, job or car
Tis the extent
To which we show
The positive attributes
Within us all
As we know

Each positive step
Whether seemingly inept
Is an advance to the future
Having contributed perchance
To the greater good
Which starts small
From our family, neighborhood

The effect
Tis not unlike
The connection
Of light to light
Becoming ever more bright
Dispelling the darkness
Out of sight
And as we all unite
And these days
Are but a memory
The birth of mankind’s unity
-Shiidon, December 2011

We are now in our second day of rain or drizzle. We are going to have two or more days of rain. A welcome relief from the drought. I am also happy to say that I heard a blessed sound when I opened my back door, the sound of the creek flowing strongly! Yay. Everything is in flux. The world is in turmoil and yet there are rays of light everywhere around us should we choose to see them. Greed and avarice are raising their drawbridges and manning their parapets. One day mankind will see the fallacy in building fortifications that are designed to keep them out and will decide to turn away. Through neglect the walls will crumble and greed and avarice will find their place, as history. I know that this is viewed by many as pollyanaish. It is my belief. I see many a soul walk away from those walls to build a better world, a world of people for people.


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