Saturday, September 03, 2011

Reticent Bard


I see, I feel

But cannot speak

I watch, I wish

Tis hopeless, bleak

You look, I see

And feel what may be

But all I can do

Is turn and flee

For in the end

Who would want me

Tis I think, upon reflection

A hopeless fear, of rejection

And so chances are lost

At great cost

Leaving me to dwell

On my imperfection

Aloof, I may seem

But inside, I scream

Knowing this life

Tis but a short dream

I work to be

Devoid of emotion

Numbly going

Thought life’s motions

Looking for nothing

Hoping not

Accepting my lot

In so many ways

I arise and charge

But when it comes to self

I hold back

By and large

I feel joy

In the simple things

The people I meet

Their hopes and dreams

The older I get

The less I regret

I watch many a soul

As they learn their life’s role

I watch them stumble

Arise more humble

Then rise to victory

Towards their destiny

In so many ways

Like a bard of old

I do observe

As I grow old

The ups and downs

Of the timid and bold

What a glorious life

Tis to behold

-Shiidon, September, 2011

I found myself wanting to write last time but unable to do so. So much was happening and, in the end, I wrote what came to mind. Like any art, I draw from myself when I write. Of the many things I have learned two stand out at this moment. The first is that, however, small, I draw upon events or feelings to bring about any number of stories or poems. It is but a jumping off point and not even necessarily how I truly feel or what is actually happening to me. Sometimes I write out of empathy for what I see or feel. The second is that each person takes what they want from a work of art, piece of music or poem.

Well, The last of the 100+ degree days are here and good riddance. My beloved daughter returns to the area on Tuesday and I will be spending her 18th birthday with her. I look forward to being with her. Another year is going by fast and I suspect that each year will seem faster and faster. The more years we have behind us the quicker life seems to speed by. More to come.


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