Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Well, spring is here. The Bahá'í New Year is the first full day of Spring, March 21st. Prior to this day we fast for one of our months, or nineteen days. No food or drink is taken from sunrise to sunset each of those nineteen days. This marks the first year in the last four that I was able to fast for the entire fast. I am usually plagued by sinus infections and ill. There were times when I thought I would not make it and in some cases would have been justified in not fasting. However, i did persevere and feel very refreshed physically and spiritually as a result. One interesting occurence of note for me. It is understood that one can fast and not have kept the fast and one could have not fasted and have kept the fast. This struck me while i was visiting Shahdi in hospital. With more than an hour to go on the first day of visiting her I sat down and had dinner with her. There was no question that I had no choice but to eat with her and to be there to support her. Later, as i was driving home, I was getting ready to break my fast when i realized that i had eaten dinner with Shahdi earlier. It was truley the first time that I lived the previously mentioned words and I had fasted regardless of the fact that i had eaten dinner with Shahdi.

I am back to walking with a vengeance. I walked yesterday for three miles and tonight for four miles. I am happy to be back on track and look forward to my 20-28 miles a week of walking. It seems that a lot of my inspiration comes during those walks as well.

The coming of Spring this year rang more loudly than it has in previous years. As i write this tonight insects are buzzing at the window. Birds chirp loudly in the morning and evening. The trees are budding with new leaves and the flowers are making their presence known. Tonight, while taking my walk, some of these spring occurences came to me in verse. I share this with you now.


Springing up, as if overnight
Shoots of green, crowned in white
A carpet of flowers bring to sight
The beauty of flora in the morning light

From within the tree
Come sounds of glee
the chirping of birds
Their own symphony

The breeze wafts refreshing
Across the water, caressing
The ducks swim with verve
Chattering joyously to those observed

The spirit is uplifted
To the soul that drifted
Those long months of winter
Like an unwanted splinter

Free from its grasp
Inhaling in a gasp
All around is stiring
This day the soul doth ring
For it marks
the first day of Spring

Shiidon, March 2008


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