Sunday, June 15, 2008



Struggling in this darksome night
no sign of hope or joy in sight
working so hard to break free
with the hope and promise of destiny

The struggles go on and repeat
Pouring, never ending, replete
One by one
They are overcome
Time goes on, and they lessen
Each one overcome, a new lesson

Light begins to shine outside
Encouraging, working harder inside
As the world around me disappears
The new and real world doth appear

With each step more is revealed
What till now had remained concealed
Encouraged and hopeful,
i begin to break free
looking around,
at the new world I see

Outstretched my new found wings
Finding the strength my struggles did bring
And with a push, a shove
From those winds above
I fly up into the sky
like a new found butterfly

No more need
To ask why
The struggles indeed
Allowed me to fly
And now I float up in the sky
Pondering the value of tests
No longer denied
-Shiidon, June 2008

Summer approaches, I watch the birds around me and the butterflies in mass. What a joy to see nature and within it bask. Yikes, i am still rhyming..... OK, so anyway, I fixed my AC last week only to have a catastrophic failure of the fan that I could not repair. I had just finished paying the repair man and saw my neighbors son starting to mow the yard. I went to him and asked him how his mother was doing. He said both good and bad. She is being moved to an assisted living center. The good about it is that it is near his home and his sisters work. For me it was thought provoking as Ms. J is the same age as my parents. Now, I must say, my parents for some reason have aged well and look years younger than they are. It is one of those waves of life and a new test or struggle to contemplate. each year we move up the ladder and those above us disappear into the next realm. As each year goes by we get closer to the top of the ladder and the line below us seems longer and longer. As I was working outside with the repairman and talking to the neighbor this poem came to me. How much we struggle in life and see no reason for our seemingly hard struggles and tests. We question the purpose but don't always look with the eyes of wisdom that comes from reading any of the Sacred Texts of whatever Faith we believe in and see that there is a wisdom and if we only knew that wisdom we would embrace our struggles. :-)


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