Saturday, August 14, 2010

Exile From Life


When I see

Others together

I look with longing

For that sense

Of belonging

Elusive, as it may be

Attaining that state

I may one day see

I find myself smile

At this curious state

Of exile

When we find

Ourselves alone

T’is our own character

We must hone

For otherwise

We doth sit

And bemoan

Though I live

A life of gratitude

T’is a life for me

Of solitude

The world of others

Just beyond reach

At times

For that life

I beseech

We are each

A world of our own

Surrounded by many

Other Worlds unknown

Some, like butterflies

Go flower to flower

Searching for meaning

Or a place

To draw power

Others stay fixed

And lay deep roots

And with another

Bear varied fruits

But when looking

Deep within

We find ourselves alone

As in that day

When life did begin

In my mind

I create a scene

After some time

I awaken

From that dream

This solitude

May be my bequest

I live at His will

And behest

But for now

As I make my way

Step by step

Day by day

There is something to say

That nothing comes

To one who stands

To grow and change

Action demands

The sun is setting now

Not far away

And soon

The horizon I will reach

On that fateful day

As I look back

What will I see

For now though

Tis a mystery

And I

A forgotten part

Of history

-Shiidon, August 2010

No, I do not need any anti-depressants. I am simply using "poetic license" to embellish a theme that came to me I take it and go with it.

I walked four miles today and am shooting for six more tomorrow. I am finally getting back to where I was before my sinus surgery. There is something interesting in how nature handles the heat. I saw squirrels much more lethargic then usual with a delayed scamper upon my approach. Insects seemed to be taking a break. It seems only the humans were crazy enough to be out in the heat (Heat index of 110 today).

My thoughts on this walk turned to the seven fellow Bahá'í's in Iran that were sentence to 20 years in prison. To be held in prison for over two years with nothing but show trials and then be sent away for that length of time is obscene. They did nothing different than what I am doing and believe in nothing different than what I believe in. For those of you who know me, can you truly say that I deserve to go to jail for being who I am?

Bahá'u'lláh states that "The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice..." Justice was not present for these dear souls who did nothing but serve their fellow believers. In some ways the powers that be in Iran, my motherland, have thrown a gauntlet vainly at God. I fear that in this case God may in turn respond. We shall see. Somehow I do not believe that these souls will spend twenty years in jail. I do know that I, along with millions of others, would gladly take their place. They are not alone. They of course know this and have God to rely on. A poem is swirling in my head and will most likely be put on paper tomorrow. Please pray for these dear souls and may the day when humanity will not stand for injustice anywhere and from anyone come upon us soon.

Here is the quote in its entirety.

O Son of Spirit!

The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes.


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