Monday, October 11, 2010

Tipping Point


Looking deep

Within my heart

I find myself

Falling apart

For again

I doth start

From the known

Do I depart

There are roads

As yet untread

Ways and paths

From which I’m denied

The path before me

I’ve never seen

But the one

For which

I have dreamed

That first step

I do fear

For pain and suffering

Have always been near

And I have shed

Many a tear

My breath is gone

My heart doth stop

As I look

To that mountain top

What will I find

If I dare tread

Does it merit

My dread

Nay say I

For tis a step

I’ve self-denied

One that many

Others have made

But I’ve long delayed

How is it

That one so sure

Could hesitate

And longsuffering endure

Two fates doth await

Which will embrace

And which will abate

One chance leads

To despair

To pain and lack of care

Of wishing to take a dive

And woe betide

Not be alive

The other

Leads I know not where

For that is something

Of which I’m unaware

But leads to one

Who may care

If only someone

Would dare

Choices lead us

On many a road

No one knows

Or can forebode

What lies before

Or what’s in store

Life is full of choice

Some lead to woe

And some we rejoice

The key is

In this, we have a voice

-Shiidon, October 2010

So, I had a busy first weekend alone. I cleaned, did laundry, took out the trash and did the much delayed and feared Income Taxes. Yes, procrastination on taxes is not something to be proud of. I rewarded myself with watching a couple of movies. I, as you may have gathered, do not watch TV but love watching movies. I found myself not able to sleep until I wrote another poem. I can't explain this one except to say that the words kept leaping out onto the paper. It started as a cup of tea and ended up with what you see here. The tea poem will come soon.

While it has nothing to do with the poem, I wanted to share this photo of my children holding their recently born cousin Lulu.


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