Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mirror Mirror


I look in the reflection

Of my eye

Trying to understand


Who is it

I see in me

The outer visage

Or the inner me

Objective, I’m not

For that’s our lot

Flaws scream out

Vying with each other

To break out

I work each and every day

Every hour

Every way

To overcome the flaws in me

To, in some way, change destiny

The more I hear praise

The deeper the warning

It doth raise

Words like these

Hath many razed

Now, as I look back at me

And the few virtues

I dare to see

Cause reflection

To a deeper degree

Take any virtue

You may know

And to varying degrees

In us doth show

Some have advanced

Far beyond

And others

Our place

Do they long

In this, there is

Nothing wrong

We each have

A capacity

A limit to where

We are meant to be

And that level differs

Between you and me

The pain

In that face

That looks back at me

Is in some ways a comfort

From self to flee

I want to be free

From this cage of me

That yearns

For its destiny

What holds me back

Is how much I lack

Though to others

Tis unjust self-attack

I think of how

I must atone

Of this I bemoan

For there is little

To be shown

As I face that lofty thrown

So tis the fear

That keeps me here

Working away

Day by day

To improve my lot

In any way

-Shiidon, October 2010

Working hard and things are going well overall. So that does not explain the tone of this poem. I was just thinking about life when this poem started to flow in my head. I put out the piece of paper and caught the words. Not every poem is going to be upbeat. :-)


Blogger Susan said...

"To improve my lot in any way" is a very GOOD thought!

5:42 AM  

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