Thursday, November 04, 2010

Garden of Communion



We should cherish

Lest through neglect

It should perish

The Foundation

Of all whom we meet

Ti's in the sharing

What greater treat


We make with each other

Bring us together

Deepening the bonds

One to the other


What we learn

As to each other

Do we turn

The clearer we discern


Rain upon us

As we reach out

And forestall

The troubles that

Upon us befall


As we begin to see

The greater part

Within you and me

And how wonderful

This world can be

And beyond that

Our destiny

-Shiidon, November 2010

I was at a party this last Saturday and saw so many different costumes. I was overwhelmed by the crowd after so many weeks of small groups and being alone at the house. It was a bit daunting to say the least. I eventually came out of my shell and enjoyed myself. I will go to the opera next Wednesday which will be a crowd, yet not so crowded when you barely know anyone there. The big event is my grand-daughters first birthday this coming Sunday. So, I am not quite leading a semi-hermetic life. I spoke on the phone with a friend from my time in the Bahamas and enjoyed that.

I have the bounty to have many friends all over the world and of different levels, from fleeting to deep. Regardless of the level of the friendship, I find a reward in each one, lessons to be learned. I am grateful for each and everyone of them.

This is a photo of me and my friend Bobby taken this past Saturday. I was the DJ at his wedding and now have watched three of his children get married. We are both fairly new grandfathers.


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