Sunday, June 05, 2011



Surrounded by love

A gift from above

Wishing it, would never end

That time would slow, or bend

And I would not be sent away

With a heart to mend

Separation though

The inevitable end

I walk the streets

With empty heart

Longing for those

From whom I did part

Life without love is shallow

Like a field, barren and fallow

I look forward

In some way

To my end day

When I will see burning

Loves never ending ray

It will show

With aglow

And upon me bestow

An unbroken love

I’m not ungrateful

For what I am given

And for this longing

I hope I’m forgiven

Love has many faces

And all around

We see its traces

A furtive life I lead

Lest someone

Sense my need

I embrace my solitude

As my steadfast steed

I understand, each day's a gift

Through which in some way

Each other to uplift

And not to simply, drift

Every so often

The blows do soften

When again I find

I’m surrounded by love

Unconditional, pure and refined

How long will

This exile last

Likened so far

To an unending fast

To partake again

In loves repast

-Shiidon, June 2011

I have been very busy the past two weeks. I was in New Mexico to watch my daughter graduate High School followed by a wedding in California. I was surrounded by unconditional love for two weeks and found myself wanting it to never end. In New Mexico it a reunion of sorts as I was able to fly my son Shervin in for his sister's graduation. I spent lots of quality time with my parents and my brother and his fiancee. I taught Phyllis how to make Ghormeh Sabzi so that my parents (and her) could have it whenever they wanted it. I saw Shahdi graduate with a very diverse group of classmates including Hispanic, African American, Anglo and Apache students. I was and am very proud of her accomplishments.

I left New Mexico to attend my cousin's son's wedding in Southern California. I was surrounded by my Aunt and most of her family. It was a time I will not forget. I was surrounded by unconditional love around the clock. The time away was peaceful. I returned with much thought to those loved ones left behind. I thought of lost conversations with dear friends on the phone. I reflected on opportunities that we sometimes overlook or miss in life. I thought of mortality and how brief our lives truly are.

While I did not go to the beach and bask in the sun I was basking in the care of loved ones that, while leaving me longing for more, brought a peace upon me and a feeling of being recharged.

This photo is from Ramin and Brenda's back patio, a place of peace, conversation and renewal.


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