Thursday, April 14, 2011

Amber Roads


I view life

Not as a battle,

With strife

But of a place to learn

Where my heart doth burn

And my soul doth yearn

To be of service

To my fellow beings

And in that service

Find life’s hidden meanings

When we look

At what brings us down

In pain and suffering

We are threatened to drown

What is it

We truly control

Not much more

Than our personal role

The lessons of life

Are all around

Our whole life

They do surround

In them no lacking

For they do abound

How is it

On life’s long path

We lose our way

And get distracted,

By the day by day

When we know

In our heart

To do our part

We must

Make a start

As we, our purpose fulfill

Following not our own

But His will

Our soul will thrill

So, overcoming

Life’s little tests

Will help us attain

Our very best

But one thing is certain

In this, there is no rest

I strive

To at this state arrive

That joy, in being alive

In spite of all the sorrows

That one could recall

I continue with joy

To give, my all

Towards life’s final

Curtain call

-Shiidon, April 2011

Springs short few weeks are here in the Austin area just before the long hot summer that tends to form life here in Central Texas. I enjoy the weather but my eyes and sinus's are not as happy with the Oak and other pollen. I was talking to my father yesterday and he said how he liked my poem but that he thought it sad. He was worried about me. I am not sure why. I told him that once these thoughts that inspire my writing are down on paper, I am free of them. I enjoy life and the challenges that come as we make our way through it. For me I am happy to be able to express myself both in verse and here in my commentary. By the way, I have no idea why I call this poem Amber Roads. It came to me just as the words of the poem came.

I went to the movies with Winrik this week. We had a nice burger and he had a shake. We saw a goofy movie which he was surprised I watched with him. It reminded me of my father taking me to the soda fountain in Sanford Florida to have a root beer float (root beer and vanilla ice cream) and then buying me my first science fiction book, John Carter, Warlord of Mars. My passion for science fiction began then. I remember my father telling me about his father taking him for a purple cow (grape soda and ice cream) and spending time with him.

Life is shorter than you think. Don't take people for granted. Appreciate each and every friend that comes into your life. You never know when you will have that opportunity again.


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