Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Peace Within


For now I feel

Cast adrift

Searching for

A source uplift

Seeking to mend

Any rift


One state to another

I do shift

Bitter and sweet

Do meet

While I between them

Do seat

Searching in life

To be complete

When misdirection

Is replete

Yet I refuse

To admit defeat

Many a distraction

Doth delude

A hearts desire

Doth elude

While from other founts

Doth weariness exude

While from our goals

They do preclude

I see all this

From a distance

Easing my resistance

Slipping to

Tests insistence

Finally turning on High

For assistance

Knowing in the end

The requisite persistence

And now I find

A peace

come over me

And find solace

In who to be

And care not

whether others see

Tis not some glorious destiny

Nor is it infamy

Nor could I

this state foresee

It rests simply

In the words “to be”

-Shiidon, April 2011

I find myself ready to write and the nib of my pen (fountain pen) rests in my hand but millimeters from the paper and yet the first words don't form. I sit poised ready in thought and meditation. Then, of a sudden, the pen drops and the words flow. Such is what happened tonight. In but a few weeks my youngest child is hoping to graduate from High School and will wing her way to adulthood. She is already making plans for her life. My oldest has told me he wants to follow in the footsteps of his Grandfather and his brother is planning his return to college this fall. Me, well, the poem says it all in some ways.

Happy Ridvan to my Bahá'í friends.


Blogger Brenda said...

They do grow up!
Happy Ridvan, Shiidon!

11:34 AM  

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