Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Minds Stage


On this path I tread

Do I reflect

Or rush on ahead

I see myself

Watching me

As I wander

In life’s deep sea

Sometimes content

Sometimes sad

At what I see

Life is lived

As if on a stage

Chapter by chapter

Page by page

One day we’ll be gone

To that world beyond

And bring to account

Our deeds we shall

Up to, our curtain call

Why is it then

If we know this end

That our lives

We do not mend

When we step out

Against another

Tis clear to all

Our standards

Hath taken a fall

Yet when

In our thoughts we transgress

There’s no one around

To see our distress

And tis easy

A different face to profess

Can we in truth

With our own thoughts live

What if these moments

We repeat and relive

Tis one thing

To do what’s right

And another

To ourselves be forthright

To wash our thoughts

With water pure

So that the good in us

Will long endure

And of our own salvation

We doth ensure

-Shiidon, July 2011

Many different descriptions have been written about what it will be like when we are called away from this world. Most describe taking a look at ones life and judging. Some imply that God will judge us and others that we shall judge our own selves before God. A quote of Bahá'u'llá that I read each day is as follows:


Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning: for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds.

So a thought has been in my head. What if I was looking at my own life and wishing that I could change some action or thought. I mention thought for it is our thoughts and actions that encompass the essence of who we are. Why did I do that? Why did I think that about that person? So, many times, when I think a thought that could be construed as ill towards another, I find myself stepping back for a moment, reflecting and then asking forgiveness from that person. For in some ways, I think it is not just us that look upon our lives. What if that person was there with us and saw what it is we say or do that reflects poorly on them. What if they also saw us ask for forgiveness as well. Can this not help but better our lives?

This temporal world we live in is all we have for reference. The world of true reality is out of our understanding and so what we have left is to make the best of this world and to prepare for the world to come.

Think good thought :-)


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