Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Cup of Tests


I fall to my knees


If You hear my pleas

And hope is elusive

My breath escapes

As it flees

What have I done

To come to this

Have I transgressed

Or in some task

am I remiss

My past is haunting

As I regard it’s taunting

My memories

Leave me wanting

The truth though

Is overpowering

And with this knowledge

I must forward go

These tests

That come down on me

Give no rest

As I navigate

Life’s stormy sea

Like hammer on steel

I receive each blow

From these tests

A radiant glow

Though it may not

To another show

It doth never end

To God’s will

I continue to bend

Not willing

My life to amend

With steadfastness

I rise wearily


Though sincerely

As I turn and pray

Tis the start

Of another day

My strength and certitude

Waxes with each step

No Longer feeling

So inept

For in this journey

I am not alone

This path

You have clearly shown

Through the tests and years

I have grown

The day these tests will end

Is that day

In which I ascend

To that realm on high

From where none, do you deny

And maybe then

With relief

I will sigh

-Shiidon, June 11, 2011

I recently had a coffee with a friend I had not seen in a few years. They told me that things have not been going well and that they had to focus on some pretty serious issues. At one point the person turned to me and said that they had searched for a cause for their suffering. One can either look at a test as some form of punishment or persecution or one can see it for what it is, an opportunity to learn and grow.

Tests are a matter of perspective. Recent events find the BIHE administration in Iran under assault with over 30 arrested and many still in prison. The government of Iran has deemed BIHE illegal. They have made every attempt to keep Bahá'í students from receiving an education including this most recent one. As Bahá'í's we believe that education is a right. It is so fundamental that if the family cannot educate the child, it is up to the community to take on the responsibility. I am honored to be a part of this most meritorious project and feel overwhelmed that I can be a part of these dear students education.

The photo here is of me with my cousin Ramin's son Nason and his dear wife Emmy at their wedding. I was happy to be a part of that blessed event.


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