Saturday, July 30, 2011

Copse of Brotherhood

The three men started on the path one late spring day. They walked among the tall grass along a nearly dry creek bed. The evidence of horses not long gone could be found here and there. It was a pleasant stroll and one that would see them separate for some time to come so they were making the most of their remaining time together. The path they tread ran parallel to a more formal path, one that would allow the casual cyclist or stroller to pass through the tall and expansive trees. There was a gentle and almost unnoticeable breeze and the sun, past its zenith, was not hot enough to cause discomfort.

They passed the time conversing of times long ago and times to come interspersed with a silence from time to time while each one lost themselves in their own private thoughts. The youngest served as guide as he had made his way through these trails for many years. They approached a breach in the brush along the path and he led them through. A natural cave of overhanging trees covered a slightly wider portion of the creek still holding a steady level of water. The only thing out of place, and in a strange enough way not, was a barely recognizable lean to and the remnants of a sleeping bag with a few items of debris strewn about. It was clearly a place that some transient made home for some time. The men then took part in a tradition by pulling out and lighting cigars. They sat for some time reflecting on the mysteries of life with each one giving their perspectives on the various topics of concern for the day.

Slowly the cigars dissipated into nothingness and the three men bid the copse goodbye, thanking the long gone transient for his hospitality.

How many times has this scene been played out? Over how many centuries can one imagine this occurring? These events are the legacy of similar events in the expanses of early Texas, the Australian outback to the fields of Mazindaran and beyond. They hold to no time or place. How similar events in the future will manifest is to be seen. Let it be said though, that it was a magical time that will never be forgotten.

-Shiidon, July 2011


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