Monday, October 15, 2012



There is a place
I often go
Ti's a copse
Of pure white snow
Forever in twilight
Doth it glow

Any sound
It doth grasp
Until in silence
I do lapse

Each breath I take
Is bitter cold
And I stiffen
In its firm hold

The cold within
Is heavy and dark
The warmth is lost
There is no spark

This monochromatic
World I see
Is but a reflection
Of what is me

There is a comfort
That I do find
When within this refuge
I am defined

The promise of warmth
Doth at times approach
But upon close inspection
It doth reproach

No matter what
May come my way
I know in truth
At the end of the day
To that sanctuary
I will find my way
-Shiidon, October 2012


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