Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adventures Abound


I looked over the cliff
The breeze upon me
Strong and stiff
I gaze beyond
To the myriad of choices
That abound
I stay within
My comfort zone
The pretense being
My skills to hone

Countless days
Roll one into another
An even keel set
And nary a bother
Yet instinctively I see
How much more
I want to be
And from the doldrums
To be set free

I breathe deep
And awaken
From my self-imposed sleep
And into the void
I take a leap

As I fall
Into that place
To which
I am meant to face
I reflect upon
The events transpired
And those hopes and wishes
I once desired

I now let fate take me
Where I need to go
Towards a future
I do not know
But certain am I
Either way to grow

What is it for
That I live
Ti’s the opportunity
With my all to give

The changes within
Already begin
Ere the unknown destiny
I find myself within

The greatest adventure
Begins with one step
No matter how inept
The unknown
I do accept
-Shiidon, March 2012

So I find myself in the middle of the Fast.  Bahá'í's do not eat from sunrise to sunset from March 2nd to March 20th culminating with our New Year, the first day of Spring, March 21st.  So far things have been fine.  I have reflected upon much during these days of fasting.  One thing that has stuck with me during my meditations is that one can't sit and wait for life to happen, one must arise and take steps towards their destiny and then follow the signposts along the way.  I am tired and therefore won't put much here.  I thought  a photo of dinner would bring color to the page and strike home on what it means to be on a fast.


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