Saturday, July 06, 2013

River of Eternity


The river of life flows on
Beyond all time
Forever it doth flow
In and out of it
Do we all go

Tis but for a moment
We are here
And everything
We hold dear
Will in a twinkling

Many the dreams and hopes
That we do have
Say, thinking in some way
We will have our day
But in truth
This leads one astray
For in the end
It becomes clear
Tis enough
That we are here

Of countless drops
Doth the river consist
Each one playing a part
And in the flow of life
Do we exist

In the end
Tis not the drops we see
But the river of life
Made of you and me
And this river
That flows to eternity
-Shiidon, July 2013

This simply comes from the thought of the unity of Mankind.  The fact that not one person is more important than another whether from this era or the times long ago, or even those to come.


Blogger Susan said...

Shiidon, this is lovely. It is always good to be reminded of our oneness - thank you so much!

5:38 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Shiidon, this is lovely. It is always good to be reminded of our oneness - thank you so much!

5:39 AM  
Blogger Aniela said...

Sweet... You are such a tender writer!
Love you, my brother.

6:54 AM  

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