Sunday, June 22, 2008



Leaving sad
But with a smile
Knowing all the while
That return i would
To those i love
Trusting in Him above

When back i came
What i found
Was nothing quite the same

The place i left
Of me bereft
Did change in a way
i find hard to say

of the family and friends
i have left behind
changes also did i find
The love is there
Stronger than before
Not that i’m keeping score
The changes i find though
Reflect more

It is upon this
i did reflect
to which my thoughts and heart
i did direct

And suddenly it came to me
i could clearly see
like skipping chapters
in a book
returning from this journey
i took
The changes that surround, Of which i see
Are the changes that occurred
Within me
-shiidon, 2008

About a year ago I wrote a poem for Miranda, who went on her year of service to Central America. Today, I attended devotions at her families home and welcoming her back before she is off to college. I was reflecting on the drive over on my return from China. I remember How I noticed my surroundings had changed. The variety of potato chips was mind numbing to me and I stood for minutes in a daze that day. I noticed how my friends and even my family had changed. It only after a bit of time that the realization came to me that it was I who had changed. While I was not on a year of service, I did go and teach English in China. Many Bahá'í youth spend a year serving humanity is some way or another during the time between high school and college. Miranda taught young children in Central America and my cousin's son served at a Bahá'í school in California.

This poem came to me while I was sitting on the stairs. I contemplated my own son Shervin, about to embark on a four week sailing adventure with his uncle from Antwerp Belgium to Scandinavia (God willing). If all goes well he will board the sailboat on his eighteenth birthday and I know in so many ways he will come back changed as well. We don't always get to see the changes in each others lives but when we do it is so profound, especially when that change is for the marked good. I hope that Shervin, like Miranda, will be able to go on a year of service for the Bahá'í Faith.


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