Sunday, June 15, 2008



Walking hand in hand through life
With souls uplifted, man and wife
Many a challenge did they face
Many a dream did they chase

The love between them,
So precious and strong
Truly together do they belong

Through rain and snow,
Joy and sorrow
They journey through
This world we knew
as two wings
together they flew

to the eyes of others
inseparable they seem
a true sign of the love
it doth redeem

The peace it brings to my heart
To see them as one
And not apart
To know that there is love around
To them and others it doth abound
That one to another
They hath found
The beauty of love that doth surround

Truly this love is but a sign
Of that most glorious love, divine
In its own way, sublime
this love for each other doth show
that together we all shall grow

As I watch from my place
A smile comes to my face
And I find that I cherish
That love that will not perish
a tear of joy doth cross my cheek
words do not come, I can not speak
for it is this love which we do seek
-Shiidon, June 2008

For some reason I am finding it easier to first share the poem, then my thoughts. This way the poem is read without the narrative of explanation and read without prejudice.

This poem is for everyone that has someone special in their lives. I know a dear unnamed couple (R and S) for thirty years now. I was best man at their wedding in 1981. To this day they are no different in their love for each other than they were that day they got married. That is a special thing to have. I thought about my parents, married these forty eight years. I see my friends and their marriages, the ones about to happen (congrats to J and S), and even my fellow human family members as i see them in the grocery stores, shops, libraries and other various adventures in life. I find it strange to at times when i happen to see two people, of whom I do not know, and am wishing in my heart for their happiness. I am not sure where this comes from but I know that in some ways it brings me peace to know that people are happy together.

I have mentioned before that a realization came to me that it is natural for us to want to be with someone as that is how God intended it to be. This does not mean that everyone will have someone in their lives as is shown in this poem. One can also be happy and alone. There is, however, something special when two people, who are right for each other, find each other in this life.


Blogger Aniela said...

Oh, how I wish I had this on Fathers Day.
It is so touching.
We love you, dear brother, and wish the same for you.

6:39 PM  

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