Sunday, June 29, 2008

True Self


As I look at you
What do I see
Is it the person now
Or the wrinkled one to be
Is it what you do
Or who you know
Is it what others say
Or what you show

Do I see your mistakes
and judge you for them
or do I see
how you overcome them

do I see what I want to see
the reflection of what
I want you to be

At some point and time
If I am so inclined
I overlook that outward chaff
And hone in on the inner you
And amazed I am anew

For when we go beyond
And look within
The outer shell doth scatter
Leaving only what
Doth truly matter
-Shiidon, June 2008

This is the second of two poems I just wrote. The previous one is how we are within. This is how we see each other. What is it that tells us that someone is too good to be true. What is it that tells us that someone is not good, or unworthy, or not the right person. Too many times we look to the outward person, the person that is not real. The true person within does not always arise to the forefront. There may be pain that hides that person or some test they are facing. If we take the time to learn the true person and not what we want to see, good or bad, we can begin to understand ourselves. It is how we want to be seen as well. Do I really want someone to see me for what I have or what I do or the mistakes that I have made or how others view me? No, I want them to know who I am inside, the real me. To do that, I must see them in the way I want to be seen.


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