Friday, June 25, 2010

Mr. Hezari


There is among us

From time to time

A hidden jewel

A soul sublime

This knight of Glory

Was such a gem

A life of service

His story

One of the first

To answer the call

To travel abroad

And to sacrifice all

He, with deep humility

Blazed an example

Of how to be

And his legacy

To be enshrined with his Beloved

For all eternity

His kindness and softness of heart

Is what

In so many ways

Set him apart

Nary a soul

Could be found

To match his knowledge, profound

Oh dear one

You’ve gone ahead

Continuing to pave

The path we’ll tread

Your soft voice lingers

In my heart

As you from this world

Do depart

A sea of love

You leave behind

For to each and every person

You were kind

In my heart

There remains a trace

Of the love,

In your embrace

You did show so many

On how to live

In the way of yourself

You did give

I am honored

To have called you friend

In your certitude

My heart you doth mend

In the deepest of trials

You did not bend

How appropriate

It should be

That a man of such, humility

Should be recalled

Again and again in history

But for now to those around

A hidden mystery

-Shiidon, June 2010

This poem was written in memory of Mr. Manouchehr Hezari. Mr. Hezari was a Bahá'í pioneer to the country of Morocco. He was given the title Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, Shoghi Effendi. I have known Mr. Hezari and his family for many years. I had the honor of serving with him on the Spiritual Assembly of Austin for a number of years. He was a gentle soul and the embodiment of humility. He set an example that I try, to this day, to follow in many ways. His kind heart was always open and his smile was always warm. I will miss him dearly but am certain that when my time comes to move on to the next reality, he will be there to ease the passage. I love and miss him dearly.


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