Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reflections of Happiness


How is happiness defined?

From times past, that remind

Or the charges were given to mind

Or is it when we find

One to whom

Tis second nature

To be kind

We search high and low

And to many places we go

But tis many times

In the simplest ways

It doth show

A voice of kindness

Doth remind us

Of the happiness

For which we yearn

And in turn

Doth make the flame

Of caring

Brighter burn

A simple smile

Can all the while

Keep happiness alive

To the deepest extent

To which we strive

The thoughts of caring

While together sharing

Bring a peace

To our heart

And for a start

Shows how each

Can do their part

In happiness

To each other impart

True happiness

Is not temporal

But in this worldly plain

We strive on high

Seemingly in vain

For that state

For which we must wait

Until that day

When we make our way

We have each other

To find the reflection

Of what we seek

From that most lofty peak

Happiness can be found

In things all around

The joys in life

Do us surround

The reflection in all

Of what’s profound

Will continue to astound

-Shiidon, July 2010

Happiness is elusive in that we think we know what makes us happy. Many would think happiness is possessions, power or money. When we reach one of these goals we sometimes find that happiness is more elusive than we think. This is not, however, a time to speak of detachment or attachment. What is the focus here is to find the things in each other that bring us happiness To see how the flower, bird or even the creek can bring us happiness. It is happiness in seeing what is there and not what we want it to be.

I have a fond memory from China. I was walking to a school and was approaching two of the other teachers coming the other way. I remember reaching out and grabbing a beautiful flower from a bush as I walked past and without hesitation reached out and passed it on to the others as we passed by. A simple exchange of greetings without stopping or commenting on the flower. It was a simple act and there was a beauty in the way it transpired as as well as in the flower itself.

I am not sure what the future bears for me. But for now I am trying to live in the moment and appreciate each sign of happiness and beauty that I can see and experience.


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