Sunday, July 25, 2010



Wandering in the desert of being

Looking for life’s meaning

The earthly world

So dry and barren

When to the lofty

We go comparing

Turning in times of need

To higher realms indeed

But as creatures

Of two worlds we are

Towards earthly happiness

We go far

From time to time

In the distance I see

A patch of green

Promising to be

An oasis of opportunity

The oasis if true

Is a chance

Of happiness anew

Born of this world, no doubt

A way to sate

This earthly drought

And if it stands with time

Twill go

To the world sublime

But many a time we hope

And with this, we learn to cope

We approach that patch of green

And find it only exists

In the realm of dreams

A mirage will appear

To be real but not

Mostly a result

Of inner drought

We are distracted

By this wayward search

Living in the hope

Of dreams come true

But mostly in vain

The real goal

Closer than our life vein

But for now

Another Oasis I see

Approaching it


Will it this time be

My destiny

-Shiidon, July 2010

Much has happened since my last post. The most significant (for me) is the visit of my daughter Shahdi. She took two weeks vacation and spent it here. Today, on the last day of the trip, she wanted to spend with me. We went out to eat, saw a movie and then said goodbye way too soon. She and Shervin are driving my parents new (used) car to New Mexico.

I am not sure what the future will bear, let alone the new future. However, I do know that I will make every attempt to make the most of each day that I am blessed with.

This poem was started a week ago. It was in response to my mediation's on life and what is going on at this time for me. Nothing spectacular, just my inner musings.


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