Saturday, February 26, 2011

Passing Through


It seems

I’ve passed through

The world I knew

No longer repeating

Those mistakes I do

Through new challenges

I tread, tis true

What can be said

The past is dead

No longer repeating

No dread

A peaceful respite instead

I’ve lived too long

In that state

Over and again

‘Twould not abate

When challenges arise

We overcome

Or succumb

Repeat and bear again

Until we know

And on we go

There is a comfort

In a sad way

By repeating errors

Day after day

And though they scar

Familiar they are

The future at times

A distant star

This new place

That I do myself find

Tis not one

To which I do mind

Gladly leaving

The past behind

Though lest I forget

And live again

With regret

I must remember

That even here

In a life anew

Tis only a state

Of passing through

-Shiidon February, 2011

Well, almost twenty days since my last post and a long time it was. I was occupied with working on a conference that was in the planning for most of last year. It was successful and I was overjoyed at the spirit that prevailed. I had the honor of working with many wonderful people and especially my cousin Darwin. I was able to share memories with Carla and Tahirih and listen to an amazing presentation by a humble and profound speaker, former member of the Universal House of Justice Mr. Hooper Dunbar. The photo is of my son Winrik helping as an usher, I had a lot of fun working with him.

Other things have been happening. There is a constant and amusing theme in my life as to cultural identity. I have touched upon this before so won't elaborate here. I will say that for the second time in recent memories I found myself waking up speaking Persian. Since I am alone, you will have to take my word for it. I have succeeded in completing several outstanding tasks that have been weighing heavily on my shoulders as well. I have had and am still recovering from my first severe and acute sinus infection since my sinus surgery.

I have, as a result of all this found myself more alone than usual. Days go by with the phone not ringing, emails are all but a part of the past due to Facebook and Twitter so there is little going on. I have felt like I have been a burden on my friends and therefore have retreated from calls etc. It is a good place to be though for self reflection can be what is needed.

In four days the Bahá'í Fast starts. I will, if recovered by then, abstain from any food, water or other nourishment from sunrise to sunset for nineteen days culminating in the celebration of the Bahá'í New year on March 21st. I will take this time to recharge my spiritual energy for the year to come. Of all the new years celebrated by all the cultures in the world my favorite is the one celebrated by Bahá'í's and Iranians as March 21st marks the first day of spring.

Until next time, keep smiling and be happy.


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