Sunday, February 06, 2011

Flower Power


I draw the flower

Close to me

Tis joy it brings

And cares doth flee

So small and white

Pleasing to the sight

Imbuing peace

Both day and night

And to me

A great delight

Alone I sit, and contemplate

Upon the direction

My life did take

And the source of comfort

That flower, make no mistake

Why then do I

My fate bemoan

That bloom tis a sign

That I’m not alone

And that I must continue

The direction shown

The gifts it doth give

Are among the reasons

I care to live

I hold it, to my cheek

I feel it’s softness

That to me doth speak

That small white flower

To me unique

It does not judge me

Or push me away

Tis selfless and giving

In its own way

And over me

It doth hold sway

I will hold it close

Each and every day

Tis a talisman indeed

Showing that

In times of need

If we take heed

We can steel ourselves

And through this life, proceed

Upon this symbolic,

and precious steed

-Shiidon, February 6, 2011

A lot, as usual, has happened since my last post. My mother took ill and had to be transported to hospital in Albuquerque a week ago. She only left and arrived home with my father Friday. Home as such. They are right now guests of a friend in Ruidoso as their pipes have frozen from the most recent storm. She is fine and sounds to be in good spirits. We lost work two days this past week due to winter storms. There was the crippling 1.5 inches of snow. Yes, our city came to a standstill over a simple small accumulation of the frozen water. We had controlled rolling blackouts as well. How amazing.

I have accomplished a lot for my teaching work as well as other tasks that I have taken on. I listened with joy at Shervin describing how he is being appreciated at work. I spent a day with Winrik and saw a movie among other adventures. Other than that and my mom's illness I have been mostly alone in the house with little to no phone calls in or out. The silence is only broken by the occasional music I play or the movie or two I watch.

I have a poem or two in the wings and will be getting to them this week.

This picture is my back yard just at the point of drop off to the running creek. It was a beautiful sight, the creek flowing freely and the surrounding foliage coated in white.


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